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We're on a mission to protect our beloved environment!

Climate Change

The impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly apparent throughout the world, prompting the public to demand a substantial response from national and international authorities. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which was signed at the Rio de Janeiro Earth summit in June 1992, is a global commitment among nearly every country. Since then, science has shown us that if we don't act to reduce greenhouse emissions and concentrations in our atmosphere, it could have catastrophic economic and environmental consequences – such as rising sea levels, extreme weather patterns like intense rainfall and drought, food insecurity and disease spread. Moreover, our planet's valuable biodiversity – nature's insurance policy – would be drastically altered or completely eliminated in some cases.

The negative impacts of climate change are already being seen around the world, but with swift and decisive action, we can lessen its effects and reduce human suffering. It is essential that steps are taken immediately to address this critical issue.

It's up to us to build a future that is safe and secure for our planet. We've seen incredible examples of people taking positive action together-- businesses, governments, and communities all standing together in the fight against climate change and creating more resilient societies. We feel truly blessed by these acts of kindness and hope everyone keeps striving to make this world even better.

As these stories show us, hope and optimism should never be lost. Climate change is an incredibly daunting issue to tackle; however, with collaboration and dedication, it's possible to turn the tide of destruction. Through the power of carbon markets and trading, we can make a lasting impact and build a brighter future for generations to come. What are you waiting for? Let's join forces and work together.

Communication & Information

At the SSF, we believe in developing inclusive knowledge societies through freedom of expression, pluralism and universal access to information. We promote these values by providing capacity-building, policy advice, international partnerships and monitoring that ensure fundamental freedoms both online and offline. Our aim is to ensure that digital transformations are in accordance with global standards.

In order to ensure the ethical development and use of new technologies, it's essential to ensure citizens have access to these emerging technologies. This can be achieved by empowering them with fundamental freedoms as well as 21st century skills and fostering environments that promote media pluralism and diversity.

Ethics and Integrity

It can be difficult to find partners and communities that trust us, given the prevalence of corruption, bribery and unethical practices in many areas. Integrity and ethical standards form the basis of our corporate culture, though it's often challenging to live up to these values. We do our best to abide by non-discriminatory principles and take a politically and interculturally sensitive approach. Our hope is that this will build trust as we navigate tricky ethical issues.

Past Events

Neabec Nordic

The Conference convened in coordination with our team with a focus of transferring technology from the Nordics to East Africa. A North-South cooperation


The East Africa food security symposium and expo 12th to 14th October 2022

The LDII team supported the initiation and consummation of the first successful East African Climate Change and Exported first of its kind in Africa.
