
Who we Are:

School of Skills Foundation (SSF) is a non-profit organization committed to creating a brighter future through the promotion of social cohesion and empowerment. Our mission is to empower communities by fostering sustainable development, social protection, and public health initiatives.

At SSF, we believe that access to basic necessities, such as healthcare and education, is a fundamental right that should be available to everyone. We are dedicated to addressing the root causes of poverty and inequality through innovative programs that create meaningful change in the lives of individuals and communities.

Our People

With expertise in climate science, strategic philanthropy, public policy, and social and economic development, our team has the breadth of skills and experience needed to assess the science, identity the mitigation opportunities and strategize the philanthropic initiatives needed to tackle the climate crisis.

School of Skills Foundation (SSF)  is a non-profit organization committed to creating a brighter future through the promotion of social cohesion and empowerment. Our mission is to empower communities by fostering sustainable development, social protection, and public health initiatives.

At SSF, we believe that access to basic necessities, such as healthcare and education, is a fundamental right that should be available to everyone. We are dedicated to addressing the root causes of poverty and inequality through innovative programs that create meaningful change in the lives of individuals and communities.

.Our core values include:

 Social cohesion: We believe in the power of collaboration and the importance of building strong communities that can work together towards a common goal.

Our Staff

As experts in climate science, public policy economic and social analysis, and strategic philanthropy, our Staff understands the multi-faceted challenges and opportunities of sustainable development.

We are researchers, strategists, and collaborators and grant makers who care passionately about our mission.


  • Empowerment: We seek to empower individuals by providing them with the resources, skills, and knowledge they need to improve their lives.
  • Sustainable development: We recognize the importance of balancing economic, environmental, and social considerations to ensure a sustainable future for all.
  • Public health: We believe that access to healthcare and health education is a basic human right, and we work to promote public health initiatives in the communities we serve.

Our Board

SSF is governed by a board of directors that includes leaders of some of the world’s most reputable philanthropic, academic, and business institutions active in efforts to take climate changes.

What We Do:

Geographical and environmental crises like droughts,

disease outbreaks, and wars caused by resource scarcity can have a direct effect on societal interaction. Effects can range from Greater community cohesion to amplified inequalities. The recent coronavirus pandemic has illuminated such social dynamics in many parts of the world.
School of Skills Foundation (SSF) is dedicated to the advancement of technology-focused, crisis-proof social structures with special consideration for disadvantaged groups. Our goal is to encourage dependability in equitable state institutions, open access to education and facilitate solidarity between Government, civil society, the private sector and academics.

School of Skills Foundation (SSF) Initiative’s work focuses on four priority areas:

1. The youth of today are playing an integral role in driving changes in the world. That’s why here at SSF, we invest in inspiring young people to get involved politically, economically and socially, by giving them resources that allow them to use their digital skills, art and sports. We believe in nurturing their talents and encouraging growth.

2. School of Skills Foundation (SSF) is dedicated to the establishment and growth of crisis-resilient systems based on technology, with the goal of ensuring increased social inclusion for vulnerable populations. We strive for greater trust in equitable governmental institutions, better access to education and enhanced cohesion between civil society, private businesses and educational facilities.

3. Climate Change

The Green Opportunities

This pandemic has left us with immense economic and environmental uncertainty, but it also presents an opportunity for a better future. If we take the necessary steps to respond in an environmentally-minded way, then these crises can also create a more sustainable economic system for all of us. LDII is advocating for eco-friendly, long-term recovery measures that are both resilient and climate neutral. By investing in our future through green public-sector investment, we have the potential to bring about social change while mitigating the effects of climate change on our environment. It’s not going to be easy, but together we can rise to this challenge and reap the double dividend of a greener economy.

 Resource-efficient technologies and sustainable solutions must be harnessed to bring about structural changes in industry and finance. Increasing the use of sustainable bonds and loans across all sectors, transitioning to a circular economy model, and building new green jobs are just a few of the necessary actions that need to be taken. Technology has enabled us to identify these solutions; now it is up to us to implement them in order to conserve our environment and protect our climate.

Women: female perspectives enhancing house hold incomes security

Working through displacement and beginning the healing process

The ongoing conflicts and Human Injustices around the world have forced 117.2 million people to flee their homes, with 19 million coming from Eastern Africa (UNHCR) 2023. These significant displacements come with a heavy psychological toll and immense challenges that must now be navigated.

SSF works with social support centers to assist internally displaced individuals, as well as veterans of these wars, and provide necessary psychological assistance. Governmental institutions lack resources to offer aid needed and this can lead to an increase in tension between local and displaced populations, threatening integration efforts. Immediate access to proper social support is highly important for those affected by conflict.

Supporting people in processing what they have been through

SSF is intently focused on developing the psychological and social services in areas severely impacted by environmental devastation, war, and other trauma. By forging partnerships between regional governments, non-governmental organizations and universities to foster integration of psychosocial support into local networks, expert care is available from personnel with enhanced skills cultivated through focused training courses. The intent here is to provide superior service that extends beyond individual treatment.


The trainings offered by SSF aim to address complex issues in difficult times, but these efforts often come with great strain and few rewards. Working may be a way of giving back, but it is not without its difficulties. In essence, there is only so much one can do when faced with contentious matters in a divided community.